Friday, October 19, 2012

Claire's first month

I am so in love with my daughter.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I mean, just look at her...
Her tiny feet
Her little hands
Her perfect belly button
Her button nose
Her sweet cheeks
Facial expressions like this one...

 But it's more than how adorable she is.  The song that keeps coming to my mind is "I knew I loved you before I met you" by Savage Garden. The title describes my feelings perfectly.  I feel like I've always known and loved this little girl.  The other lyrics are pretty good, too...  I think I found my best friend.  I think I dreamed you in to life.  I have been waiting all my life.  I am complete now that I found you...

Here's some highlights from her first month:
  • Claire has been awesome at breastfeeding from the start... sometimes a little too awesome.  Our first night together in the hospital, she latched on and stayed!  When I would try to break the latch, she would immediately start fussing and rooting around.  All of the books I had read said to let your newborn eat whenever they wanted and every two- three hours so I felt like I had to just keep going.  I knew that I just had colostrum at that point, and I was worried that she was hungry and not getting enough from me.  So she  kept sucking- for HOURS.  My nipples, that were brand new at this, were KILLING ME.  Finally, after a 3 hour feeding, a nurse came in.  (It seems like they came in every 15 minutes except for when I needed them.)  I explained the situation to her and asked what I should do.  She said Claire probably just wanted to suck- she didn't need more food.  So Jason took her and put his pinkie in her mouth and she happily sucked while I got some sleep. The damage had been done, though.  My nipples were cracked and bleeding, and it took a while to be able to feed her without a lot of pain.  (I hear that's pretty common for most women, though. Don't listen to the books and nurses when they tell you that pain means the latch isn't good.  It hurts everyone for a week or two.)
  • Claire continues to love eating and sucking.  Jason offers his pinkie whenever he can.  One time I was burping her after a good long nurse, and she rooted around, found her arm, and gave herself a hickey!   I had read that you should wait three to six weeks to introduce the pacifier.  We made it two.

  • She is definitely an emotional eater like her mother.  She wants to feed anytime she is bored or sad.  After anything "traumatizing" (a diaper change, a bath, time in the car seat, etc.) she thinks she deserves to be nursed.  She also goes through periods in the day when she just wants to live at my breast.  My body is used to it now, so I'll just settle down with a good book or TV show and let her have at it.  She makes up for this by sleeping for pretty long stretches at night.  (After the doctor saw how good she was at gaining weight, he gave us the green light to let her go longer than three hours without a feed.  This is a good thing, because trying to wake her up to nurse when she wants to sleep is impossible.)  
  • My Mom, of course, is thrilled.  This is her first grandchild, and she is in love.  She came to visit for a week right after Claire was born.  It was AWESOME.  She doted on Claire and made sure I got a nice long nap every day.  She made yummy food for us every day, and kept the house clean.  Everyone talks about how difficult that first week with a new baby can be, but for me, it was like a trip to Disneyland.  My Mom is one of my best friends.  (She got demoted to number 3 after Claire was born- Now it's Jason, Claire, then Mom.  Just two years ago, she was number 1.  I still love her just as much, though.  I just have a lot more love now.)  It's hard being so far away from her, so to have her around was an exciting treat!  We chatted for hours while I nursed and she cooked.  It was SO much fun.  I felt a little guilty that she'd come up twice and hadn't done any touring (Her first trip was for my wedding.)  So we tried to do a few things.  We took a walk around Mill Lake and went up to a lookout point by New Westminster Abbey.  It wasn't Stanley Park or anything, but she at least got a taste of how beautiful B.C. can be.
  • While she is the 1st grandchild on my side, she is the 40th on Jason's side.  Even though a new baby is nothing new for them, she is still quite beloved by the whole Harvey clan.  Jason's sister, Meaghan, threw a surprise shower for me before she was born.  All of the women in the family came and spoiled me rotten.  She is named after Jason's Mom, Judith, who absolutely dotes on her namesake.  Grandma is always eager to help in any way that she can.  She loves holding Claire, and Claire must love her, too, because she is always very peaceful when she's with Grandma. We've had lots of help and visits from Harveys since Claire was born.  And when we go to Harvey functions, I can pretty much plan on not holding Claire much, because she'll be getting passed around the family.  (This sometimes makes me incredibly nervous, but I try to be careful without being overprotective.)
  • Jason is the best Daddy ever.  He can't wait to get home from work and hold her.  He is great at changing diapers and is always willing.  I think he's a little jealous that I'm the only one that can feed her, and he's definitely better at soothing her if eating is taken off the table.  At least once a day (usually more) he says, "Look at how cute our baby is!" and  "Katie, you did a good job at making a cute baby!"  I spent a lot of years wishing that I had a good Dad and promising myself that my children would have one.  I'm so glad I married Jason and kept that promise to myself.  I fall in love with him all over again when I see how much he loves and cares for Claire.
  • Claire caught a bit of a cold from Jason, and it ended up giving her a mild case of diarrhea.  She was consistently messing her diaper.  It was next to impossible to keep it clean, and as a result, she got a nasty diaper rash.  She's going to be prone to those anyway, with her sensitive skin that she inherited from both of her parents.  Anyway, I was at least as traumatized about this as she was.  (Probably more so.)  I decided we needed help on the Saturday morning of a long weekend, so I took her to a walk in clinic.  (The only place that was open.)  They said she wasn't dehydrated and gave me a prescription for extra special diaper rash cream.  She spent lots of time over the next several days without a diaper as we tried to keep her clean and dry.  Of course, this meant bright yellow runny poop all over towels, change pads, and (often) our clothes.  The laundry was ridiculous.  Worth it, though, because she's doing much better now.     

  • Claire became much more alert at three weeks old.  Suddenly she was awake more and staring at everything.  It has been lots of fun.  Jason found an app on our phones that plays white noise and shows bright colors.  If she's in a good mood, it can keep her entertained for quite a while.  It's probably just a coincidence, but during General Conference, she stared right at the TV during President Monson's entire talk.
Letting technology babysit
Listening to a prophet's voice

  • Her first holiday was Canadian Thanksgiving.  We had a big Harvey get together at the church.  Claire was very good about sleeping while she was being passed around.  She started to stir as I started to eat my meal, so I had to scarf a little bit to make sure I was done before she started crying for her own food.  The food was great, and Claire was a hit. 
Grandma Harvey with some of her Grandchildren.  Claire is in a pink blanket being held by her cousin Aydan on the left.

  • Claire is just a really good baby.  She's laid- back.  She sleeps well. She doesn't cry very much. She loves to cuddle.  She's just brought so much peace and joy to our home.  I love being her Mom!

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Baby Story or "I would have died in childbirth if I was a pioneer"

Well, I didn't finish blogging about my summer.  (I haven't even written about my month's worth of frozen dinners- now THAT is a story!)
However, on September 14, this beautiful baby girl came into my life, and I want to make sure I write down everything about my experience before I forget about it.

TMI DISCLAIMER: This is my journal entry about giving birth.  If you don't want all of the gory details- skip this post.  I'm not making you read it, so you can't blame me if you think it's gross.  You've been warned.
My due date was September 8th.  I had kind of already guessed that I might be late (most women are with their first pregnancy), so I wasn't too surprised or disappointed.  In fact, I decided that I was going to treat myself on my due date and every day thereafter that I didn't go into labor.  That way, I figured that I wouldn't get depressed.  I would just see it as an opportunity for another treat.  On my due date, I went out to breakfast with Jason, sis-in-law Meaghan, and Mom-in-law.  We had Dutch pancakes.  Lots of fun.  I posted about it on Facebook, and got a good reaction.  Since a lot of people were anxious to hear any news from me, I decided to keep posting about my treats.  That way, they would know my "still pregnant" status without having to ask.  (One of my pet peeves during weeks 36-41 was when people would call me for no other purpose than to ask if I was in labor.  Um... if I was, I wouldn't answer the phone.)  So here's how the rest of the week went...

Sunday- one day overdue- Ghirardeli Brownies
Monday- two days overdue- So You Think You Can Dance Marathon
Tuesday- three days overdue- Juice Smoothie and a bath
Wednesday- four days overdue- Tim Hortons

On Wednesday night, after eating some Timbits (donut holes), Jason and I spent two and a half hours delivering flyers... let me explain.  Every year, the LDS church in British Columbia helps the BC Food Bank with their Thanksgiving Drive. (Thanksgiving in Canada is in early October...I know- weird.  Also there are no pilgrims.)  During the week, we deliver flyers with bags encouraging people to donate food, and then on Saturday, we go around and pick up the bags of food and deliver them to the church to be organized and donated.  Last year Jason and I shared a route with Jason's brother, Cameron, and his family.  It was lots of fun.  This year when they passed around sign up sheets, I looked at the dates, realized it was all happening the week after my due date and thought, "Oh, well, we will volunteer next year."  Jason thought, "Last year was so much fun- but it didn't take us long enough.  I will sign us up for TWO routes!"  So, while last year we split one route among six people, this year we split two routes among two people (one of whom was 10 months pregnant.)  Oh, and by the way, all of the houses along our first route had LONG steep driveways with lots of stairs and inclines.  Needless to say, we never finished.  After the first hour, we called Jason's brother Jared and his family to help.  An hour later, his toddlers had to go home to bed, so we were back on our own.  We managed to start our second route, but it was dark and every part of my body was aching, so I finally made Jason take me home.  (Later, we would have to beg ward members to pick up the food on our routes as we were still in the hospital on Saturday.)

The next day, I was still achy and tired.  As the day progressed, my achiness increased and started to focus on my back.  Then the pain started to come at regular intervals.  I had a doctors appointment scheduled for 2:50 pm, where they were planning on stripping my membranes, but by the time I went in, I was pretty sure that I was already in labor.  The doctor checked me and told me that I was dilated to a three.  During the exam he suddenly asked, "has your water broken?  I told him that I didn't think so.  He said, "I think it just did."  Since I had tested positive for Group B Strep, I was told to go straight to the hospital to start an IV of antibiotics.  They would call ahead to let the hospital know we were coming.        

Since I do what I'm told, I went straight to the hospital.  We didn't even stop to pick up my suitcase on the way there.  When we arrived, no one was expecting us, and this did not make the reception desk happy.  They spent, what seemed to me, to be an absurd amount of time checking us in.  In their defense, my status had changed since I had pre- registered.  (My Care Card had miraculously come in the mail a few days before- which meant that my hospital bill would be covered- a completely unexpected miracle!)  They took their time checking my care card and comparing it with my previous records.  My contractions had gotten a lot worse since my water had broken, and I was pretty bitter that the five months pregnant woman and her husband who were pre- registering got the only chairs at the reception desk.  No one seemed to notice or care that I was wincing in pain and leaning against the desk every other minute.  They then brought me to "triage" where I was given my IV of antibiotics and asked a series of questions that no one listened to the answer to.  I remember an especially annoying nurse who talked too much, insisted on calling me Katherine, and kept asking if I was having contractions, and then disregarding my answer- telling people I wasn't having them!  There in triage, I also met the doctor that would deliver my baby- Dr. Jeff Kornelson.  I had been going to a clinic of doctors for my pre-natal care, with the assumption that by the time I delivered the baby, I would have met all of doctors that could  be on call when I went in to labor.  I thought I had met all of them (and I had a few preferences).  I was wrong, though, because I hadn't yet met Jeff.  Luckily, he was wonderful.  In fact, if I had to choose now between my favorite doctors from the clinic, and him, I would choose him. He looked at the slide of the fluid from when my water broke that the doctors office had sent with us.  Then he gave it back to Jason when he found out he was a Chemistry teacher with access to microscopes.   They had trouble finding a good vein for my IV.  (Surprise, surprise.) They burst a vein in my left hand and then called for help.  The IV expert came and managed to get a precarious IV set up into my right hand.  Then, finally, they took me to my room- and we were super excited to get a room with a big tub! 

When Jason saw me settled, he left to go home and pick up my suitcase (and pack his own.)  My care got a lot better once I was in my room.  They must save the nice nurses for the rooms.  At some point, they left me alone to go to the bathroom, and while I was in there, I had a really bad contraction and threw up the chicken cacciatore that I had eaten the night before.  So disgusting- I will never be able to eat it again.  And it got EVERYWHERE- on my clothes, the floor, the IV  Seriously, I was so close to the toilet, you'd think I could have managed to turn around and aim, but I. Could. Not.  I didn't know what to do.  I was in so much pain, I couldn't think clearly to find a solution that involved cleaning myself up and getting back to my bed.  So I pushed the emergency button in the bathroom.  I felt super guilty when my ridiculously nice nurse came running in to be greeted by a vomit splattered bathroom.  She was very nice about it, though.  I had been waiting until Jason came back to get into the tub (He was bringing our swimsuits, and I knew he wanted to get in with me.)  However, the puking incident gave me incentive to get myself clean.  So I got over my modesty, took off all my clothes, and hopped in the tub. 

Everyone kept telling me how much the tub was helping me with my contractions, but I found this not to be the case.  I was quite as miserable in the tub as I was out of the tub.  Dr. Jeff kept sending messages that my contractions needed to be progressing or he would intervene with drugs to speed things up.  I didn't want lots of interventions and I felt like my contractions were just as terrible as they could be.  The problem, though, was that I was feeling them in my back.  Apparently, my sweet baby was positioning her head so that the hard part of her skull was pushing against my tail bone.  I tried all kinds of positions in the tub to make myself more comfortable and to convince the baby to move, but nothing helped.  Also, Jason wasn't back yet, and it was making me super sad.  Finally I called him, and he was still at home.  He was waiting for a member of the ward to come pick up something for the Young Men activity that evening.  I could NOT believe this.  "Did you tell him that your WIFE WAS IN LABOR!?" I cried.  Luckily, the guy arrived at our apartment at this moment, and Jason promised that he was on his way.

When Jason arrived, the back rubbing commenced.  We also set up a movie on his laptop to try to distract me.  Unfortunately, the movie was this terrible Nicolas Sparks story with Zac Efron as this boring soldier, and my contractions were just a lot more interesting at the time.  About an hour into the movie, I decided that I wanted out of the tub.  I also wanted them to check me to see how dilated I was.  (I had in my mind that I wanted an epidural after I was dilated to a 6.  This, I thought, would be far enough to keep the epidural from slowing my progress and it would prevent further interventions.)  The nurses, though, knowing my motivation, wouldn't check me before I tried other things to deal with the pain.  So they made me walk around the maternity ward (which made me feel worse- just as I had suspected it would).  Then they had me sit on a medicine ball, which was more comfortable than lying on a bed, but it wasn't magic or anything.  They also gave me laughing gas which tasted funny, gave me a headache, and made me even more nauseous.  (Which was amazing, since I had been puking regularly ever since the cacciatore incident- I kept a bowl close by now). 

Finally they checked me- and I was at a 4!  I was SO depressed!  I had been at a 3 at 2:50, and now, at 9:00 at night, SIX hours later, I had only dilated one centimeter.  Apparently my back contractions were painful, but not productive.  The nurse went and talked to the doctor and she came back with the most merciful verdict ever- oxytocin to speed up labor and an epidural to deal with the pain.  It was more interventions than I wanted and it was sooner than I wanted them, but the nurse gave the recommendation so firmly, that I was relieved to give up my plan and go along with it. 

Then we waited for everything to get set up and for Dr. Jeff to come and stick a needle in my spine.  It seemed like 4 hours, but it was probably about 20 minutes.  The epidural was a DREAM.  I was exhausted from a day of pain and I went right to sleep, barely noticing the nurse checking all of my vitals every 15 minutes.  At around 1 in the morning I woke up because I was in pain again.  It felt like the most painful diarrhea in the world was moving down my intestines, except the feeling was coming and going in regular contractions.  I pushed the button that was supposed to give me more of that sweet sweet epidural goodness, but while it numbed out my stomach more, it didn't seem to help my back.  Jason was sleeping, so my nurse (a sweet young blond woman named Gayle, who was my all time favorite person I met at the hospital) would get up on my bed and push down on my hips with all of her strength every time I had a contraction.  This helped enormously, and I bless her heart every day for her willingness to do that for me every other minute for several hours.  I'm also grateful for her, because she let me go to the bathroom even though her training told her I shouldn't be able to do so with my epidural.  Dr. Jeff had said I could try it.  So even though she had never seen anyone with an epidural walk around, and even though I was twice her size and would have caused lots of problems if my legs had buckled as she was walking me to the bathroom, she held my arm and helped me there.  The second time I was in the bathroom, that painful diarrhea feeling suddenly made me want to poo really bad.  I told her, and she told me to not try!  When I came back to bed, she checked me, and I had dilated to a 10!  (Yeah Oxytocin!)  It was 5 am- six hours after they gave me my lovely interventions.  She sent for the doctor, started giving me pushing advice, and then her shift was over and she went home.  I was sad that Gayle had been with me for 12 hours, but wouldn't see the baby born.  (Note- She came back to see the baby during her next shift.  I thought that was pretty neat.)

Then- the horror began.  Pushing.  Nothing prepares you for it.  I thought the screaming in movies was made up for dramatic purposes, but I screamed- in pain and horror at the awfulness of pushing.  Dr. Jeff had warned me that the epidural that he gave me wouldn't help much with pushing.  He wanted me to be able to feel things so that I could push more effectively.  I think he may have been wrong about his theory, though.  I think I may have been able to push much more effectively if I didn't feel like I was using all of my strength to rip my own body in half with the power of weak and rarely used muscles.  I tried several positions, and ended up in the traditional one with the added help of pulling on a towel wrapped around a bar set up in front of me.  After a while, Dr. Jeff told me her head just wasn't moving away from her bad position and he gave me the option of using a vacuum to help her move.  I felt guilty about saying yes, but I did it, because I was pretty sure I was going to die if she didn't get out of me soon.  Then things started happening, but not very quickly.  He kept on telling me that my next contraction was going to be it- that I was going to have this baby.  But every contraction ended without a baby.  Time kept passing, and I felt her head slowly stretching things to painful extremes, but I couldn't stretch it that extra few inches, and even though Jason thought I just wasn't pushing as hard as I could, Jason is dumb and he should try having the next baby! (JK-kinda.  Poor Jason is getting a bad rap in this post.  He was actually a wonderful support, and I couldn't have done it without his calm presence and willingness to bring ice chips.  But seriously- we talked afterwards about the pushing, and he had no idea what I was going through).  Anyway, two and a half hours after I started pushing, Dr. Jeff had mercy on me and cut me.  So worth it.  The baby came right out and they placed her on my chest.  In movies, this is when the music swells and we know that a miracle has occurred and the mother is forever bonded to her child.  My only thought was, "Thank goodness that is over." 

(I didn't really need the magic, though, because I had been bonded to this child long before she was born.) 

My second thought came as I finally worked up the energy to look at her.  "Why is she so beautiful?"  I'm pretty sure I voiced the question aloud.  I was honestly confused.  I was expecting the lizard that Bill Cosby describes- purple swollen, and squished.  Her complexion was perfectly pink, her face was perfectly shaped.  How did I make a kid this cute?  And how did she stay this cute after all that we've been through?

Notice the "kool aid-like" blood stains
I think it's because I have the most amazing baby ever born.  More on this when I have time.    

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jason's Creation

Jason had me take a picture of the sandwich he made the other day.   He was pretty proud.  It is a really good looking sandwich.  Good looking guy, too.  I'm so lucky.

The Crib Skirt

I am not a person who does well with...fabrics.  Don't get me wrong, I've figured out how to separate my darks from my whites, and I know to change the water temperature to cold when I'm washing something delicate.  However, I have not figured out where the blue blotches around the collars of a few of my shirts are coming from, nor can I get rid of them. 

Even worse are my sewing abilities.  I can sew on a button, but it is not exactly a beauty to behold-  more like barely functional.  One summer, the relief society of my single's ward decided that we were going to learn how to sew.  We had weekly lessons and help sessions as people who had sewing experience helped the rest of us to each make ONE PAIR of pajama pants to be donated to a local children's shelter.  I went to EVERY SINGLE help session.  On the last one, a few kind souls helped me frantically piece together my final product.  My pants were not the size I had originally intended, but hopefully they will fit some little kid.  One side wasn't quite the same as the other, but it was close enough.  Also, I had spent enough money on fabric and materials that I could have PURCHASED at least 5 pairs of pajama pants.  That was my last experience with real sewing.  My Grandmother was an excellent seamstress and created beautiful dresses for me, but this gene has apparently skipped my generation.    

And yet somehow, when I decided I wanted a crib skirt, I started to look at DIY blogs and websites.  The challenge of "nesting" for this baby has been finding the space for... anything.  We have a one bedroom apartment, and Jason and I were both over 30 when we got married.  You can accumulate a lot of stuff in 30 years, and we have struggled to fit our OWN stuff in this cute, but small place.  Now suddenly, I'm trying to find a home for baby clothes, blankets, bottles, cribs, strollers, baths, high chairs, swings, toys, diapers, baby shampoo, and a ridiculous amount of other items.  Babies are small, but their stuff is NOT!  The space under the crib became valuable real estate.  However, the crib skirts that you buy at the store seem to only function to make the cribs cuter- they don't actually go all the way to the floor so that you can hide all of the crap that you want to store under there!

 I found a youtube video that explained how to make a crib skirt WITHOUT SEWING ANYTHING.  This was very important to me, because, as I mentioned above, sewing is not something I feel comfortable with.  Here's a link to the video.
Young House Love: How to Make a Crib Skirt

I took poor Jason to the fabric store and spent a good hour painstakingly picking out fabric, velcro, and the "heat n' bond" that would create the hems for my no sew crib skirt.  I also decided to make a bed skirt while I was at it.  My bed doesn't have a traditional frame, so none of my bed skirts have ever fit.  It seemed to me that the basic premise would be the same, so I went for it.  I ended up spending $38 at Fabricland.  This is why I don't understand sewing things for yourself- so much work and it's not cheaper anymore!  I justified it this time, though, because I was creating TWO things that I needed and could not buy to fit my specifications.  Here's what I started with:
Then I got to work.  It took me a few days.  Look at what a crafty homemaker I am!

The process was stressful, but not unmanageable.  I learned that sticky velcro doesn't really stick to fabric, but the heat 'n bond added the extra stick to make the velcro last.  Here's the finished products. 
The crib skirt- and yes we eventually put up the front rail.
The bed skirt
Yeah for new creations! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Family Reunion

Okay, it has been a WHILE since I have added to this blog.  I've had several experiences where I've thought: "this would be a good post."  It just never seemed urgent enough to actually put in the effort.  Now I'm realizing that I'm starting to forget about the amazing summer that I've had.  Plus I'm two days overdue, my baby's "nest" is ready, my husband is back to work and writing in my blog is suddenly a way to pass the time.  So I'll start with writing about the Allen family reunion.  The story of this reunion actually starts on my wedding day.  This is me with my cousin Jeni:
 Our fathers are brothers.  Our mothers are best friends.  We are two months apart.  We basically had no choice but to be close (but let's be honest- she's one of the most amazing people I know, so being friends with her was never difficult.)  She's the only cousin who made it to my temple sealing in Canada.  (Lots of cousins sacrificed to come to my Arizona reception, but she left her kids and traveled the extra miles to see me at the temple.  She's hardcore like that.)  She and her Mom were traveling with her Dad and our Aunts- three out of the five siblings that make up my Dad's immediate family.  They started discussing the need for an Allen family reunion.  We used to have them every couple of years when we were young.  They are some of the fondest memories from my childhood.  Families got bigger, though, and our grandparents passed away, and suddenly the reunions stopped happening.  As I was cutting the cake and posing for pictures, my Uncle, Aunts, and Jeni decided it was time to get together again.  Jeni, along with doing a wonderful job of raising her little family, manages a sorority house at U.C. Berkeley.  The house is empty during the summer, and she offered it as a possible venue for the proposed reunion.  With this generous offer, she was given the appointment of Reunion Co-Chair.  It was decided that she would need help pulling it all together, and so, without my even being made aware of it,  I was appointed as the other co-chair.  Not because I had any skills, talents, or resources that made me a logical candidate!  It was simply because she had the venue, and I was the cousin closest to her in age.  I learned about all of this after the wedding and after everything had been very much decided upon.  I was excited, though.  Northern California is one of my favorite places and the Allens are among my favorite people.  I was happy to be a part of it.  Shortly thereafter Jeni announced she was pregnant with her third, and soon after that, I became pregnant with my first, and that is how two pregnant friends, with no prior experience, thousands of miles apart from each other, suddenly became responsible for organizing a vacation weekend for 80+ people.  Here's some things I learned from this experience:
  • Communicate!  Jeni was SO good at this.  She knew we had to let people know about the reunion, and remind them about it often.  She and her Dad started emailing surveys right away to get contact information and figure out when people could attend.  There were more surveys and lots of emails over the next year.  A month or so before the reunion, a Facebook page was started where people could ask questions and get ideas.  Jeni and I had to stay in close contact as well. Things started to get dangerously close as she was about to deliver her little girl, and as I started getting sick with mine.  We had to continue to touch base even during this time so that we could be ready for the big event.
  • Don't over-plan!  People (or at least, Jeni and I) don't like being forced into too many structured activities and games.  Also, since everyone (besides Jeni's family) would be traveling to a place they don't normally get to go to, we knew that people would want to see the sights.  We decided to do breakfast and dinner together and have activities planned for the evenings.  Friday night was "getting to know you activities."  Saturday was "game night" and Sunday night was the talent show.  (An Allen family reunion tradition.)  We would then encourage sight seeing outings during the day.  As the reunion evolved, Sunday became more of a structured day, but this happened naturally as we learned what people wanted out of their reunion experience.  We learned later that we should have planned a bit more for the children to do while we were doing our activities.  (Especially on Friday and Saturday night.)  Oh well: live and learn.     
  • Delegate!  I was personally put in charge of food.  I don't know how to cook for 80 people, so I turned to others that I knew could.  I assigned "coordinators" for each meal.  They were in charge of planning the menu for one meal and organizing the preparation of it.  (I divided everyone over the age of 8 into committees to help with meal set up and clean up.  That way the meal coordinators didn't have TOO much to do on the nights when their meals were up.)  I was so afraid of asking too much of people, but everyone did SUCH a wonderful job.  Lots of people commented on how amazing the food was- and it really was spectacular.  We ate WELL- every night.  I told coordinators to give me a shopping list of what food to buy.  Now I wish I had asked them to buy their own food and then get reimbursed from the reunion funds.  I didn't want to ask too much, and I was worried that people wouldn't be able to arrive early to buy the food.  However, if I had asked them to do it in the first place, they would have found a way.  Lots of people ended up doing their own shopping anyways.  For the meals where they didn't- it ended up putting too much on me and the few people that were there early.  Plus- it's difficult to shop for other people!  The right ingredients are hard to find, which makes it difficult for the cooks later if things are missed.  It's also difficult to fit everything in your car.  Luckily my brother is a genius at tetris.  Check out this packing job: 
  • Put someone else in charge of money.  I spent a LONG time excruciating over how much to charge for the reunion.  We ended up making it quite affordable.  We charged per person (with kids at a cheaper rate) and no family paid more than $200.  I was quite proud of that.  (Of course, it helped that our venue was free.)  Once I figured how much things cost, I put a guy cousin that was good with computers and organization in charge of collecting the money and reimbursing the costs.  It was the best decision I made.  (Hopefully he will forgive me.)  He did an awesome job, and I didn't have to worry about money again.  
  • There's so much more I could say about planning this reunion, and I'm sure that Jeni (and her parents, who ended up helping a lot) would have plenty to add.  It was work, but it was more than worth it.  
  • My one regret: I wish that I had spent more time bonding with family that I don't get to see very often.  I was in a vulnerable place during the reunion.  I had just spent almost a month away from my husband.  I was also about to say good bye to my Mom and brothers, knowing that the next time I would see them, I would be busy with a new baby.  So I spent a lot of the reunion with Jason and my immediate family.  When we went out for sight seeing, I didn't wait to see what other families were doing- I just left with them.  I had a good vacation, but I could have used a bit more "Allen Family time."  Here's the two pictures that I took of the actual "reunion:"   
Here's some other pictures from our trip:  

  I really did have an amazing time, and I loved being around all of those awesome Allens.  I love them all so much, and I loved taking a small part in planning this event that brought us together.
Oh, and guess who's in charge of next summer's Harvey Family Reunion!?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Family Newsletter

I spent some time writing an update of our family for the Harvey Family Newsletter.  Since this blog is doubling as my journal and a way to keep friends and family updated on my life, it seemed like a good thing to include here:

Jason and I have been having lots of fun getting ready for baby for the past few months.  The baby is kicking a lot and the second trimester was good to me.  We're all happy that tired sick Katie seems to be gone for the time being.  (Although I'm still a much pickier eater than I have ever been.)  We finally found out after ultrasound number 2 that we are having a girl!  (Of course they don't promise 100%, but the technician seemed pretty confident.)  We are now working on names.  Luckily, Jason and I have pretty similar tastes.  I was the type of girl that had names picked out for all of my children by the time I was 14.  Now that it's real, though, no one name seems good enough to fit my baby.  I'm sure it will come to us.  We've also been filling our tiny home up with baby stuff.  We've gotten some great hand me downs from some of you and are very grateful.  As the weather has been warming up, we've also been enjoying the garage sales. We've made some great deals  We got a stroller for 15, a two person camping chair for 10, a nice breadbox that will fit more than two loaves for 5, and a bunch of nostalgic toys.  Sometimes Meaghan and Mom will come with us, and it's become a fun little hobby.

I'm actually writing this update from Arizona.  My brother, Jacob, got married this weekend.  Some of you might remember him from my wedding.  He's the baby of the family at 23 years old (13 years younger than my oldest brother.)  He was always the most social out of all of us, and the family joke (that we didn't find very funny) was that he would be the first one to get married.  I'm really glad that I, at least, managed to beat him.  He married a beautiful girl named Heather.  They've been dating for almost a year, so I have had a few opportunities to get to know her, and she is lovely.  The wedding went well.  They were one of 14 sealings being held on Saturday morning in the Mesa Temple.  The reception was in my parent's back yard.  A huge dust storm hit about an hour before the reception started, making it impossible to do all of the last minute set up that needed to be done.  We weren't ready when the guests arrived, so that was a little stressful.  After the winds settled down, though, the weather was a little cooler, so that was nice.  The decorations and food were wonderful.  When all was said and done, it ended up being a great event.  

In a few weeks, we are having a big Allen family reunion.  This will include all of my Dad's siblings and their children and families.  The last time this group got together was during my mission ten years ago.  Somehow my cousin and I got delegated to be the co-chairs for this event.  It will take place in Berkeley California where my cousin manages a huge sorority house that will be empty for the summer and can accommodate the 84 guests that we are anticipating.   I am hard at work on all of the last minute plans.  (Jason and I also have plans to go see/meet Brandon and Demarae while we are there, so we are excited about that.)  Since I wanted to have some time to hang out with friends and family in Arizona, and I wanted to save money on a plane ticket, I decided to stay here for the weeks in between the wedding and the family reunion.  I will travel up to California with my Mom.   Jason (who wasn't able to get away from school to make it to the wedding) will meet me for the reunion.  It seemed like a good idea when I bought the tickets, but now I'm finding it pretty hard to be away from Jason.  We are having to go back to our "long distance relationship" roots, and I'd just rather have him with me.  I think Jason is enjoying the extra time that he has to play Diablo 3 online with his brothers, but I know that deep down in his heart, he is missing me, too. :)  He's also busy doing his calling, home teaching, and marking finals for the end of the school year grades.  In a few weeks, he will be done with school and we are looking forward to a nice relaxing summer.   We love all of you and hope you are all doing well.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

Mother's Day Gift to Me

This post is a little late, but I had to show the cute present that was created for me for Mother's Day.  One of my Beehives presented me with this cute homemade poster:
It says, "You are Special, " "We love you!" and "We're so lucky to have you."  The inside of the flowers had Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  They didn't quite make it home from church, though. :)  I thought it was so creative and sweet.  She also gave me a card with a bunch of words that reminded her of me, like "Future Mother, Charitable, Kind, Genius, Arizona, Tolerant, Creative, Sun, Trustworthy, Angel, Smile, Happy, Optimistic, Laugh, Teacher, Thoughtful, Willing, BoyorGirl, Creative, Lucky..." 

I remember when I was a Beehive, I thought my leaders were SO awesome.  Honestly, when I first got this calling, I was really intimidated, because I felt like I wasn't awesome enough!  Immediately, though, I was filled with love for these wonderful girls.  I think it's the love that makes you awesome to them.     

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

First of all, I would just like to do a shout out to my Mom- the absolute best Mom that I could have ever had.  She always feels guilty at Mother's Day Sacrament Meeting.  She says that she hears all of the stories about wonderful things that other mothers did, and it makes her feel like she never measures up.  The thing is that there are millions of ways to be a good Mom.  She may not have done the one or two things mentioned in Sacrament, but she definitely did a half a million other amazing things.  And she definitely got all of the essentials.  We were well taken care of, loved and taught well.  When my Dad wasn't stepping up to his responsibilities, she took over both jobs, and she did great.  She is still my best friend, and I am so grateful for her.

Today seems like a good day to talk about my current (and most exciting) creation project ... I'm making a baby!  I'm due on September 8th.  This post might get kind of personal (this blog is my journal, too), so skip it if you're afraid of too much information.  

When Jason and I got married in July, we were hoping for a honeymoon baby.  We both wanted big families, and since we were starting in our early thirties, we didn't want to waste any time.  It didn't happen right away.  This turned out to be a HUGE blessing, because we had been married about two months when we learned that I could not get Canadian Health Care.  I wouldn't be able to get it until I had my Permanent Residence, which takes at least a year.  I wasn't even qualified to get on Jason's supplemental work insurance, because that insurance is "ADDED" to your Canadian Health Care... which I didn't have.  We started looking around for insurance companies. but since all Canadians already have insurance, the only option was travel insurance.  Most travel insurance companies laughed at me when I asked if they would cover maternity care.  We finally found one company that would cover 80% of maternity costs, but only if your due date was 11 months after the start date of your insurance plan.  (They wouldn't cover a "pre-existing" pregnancy.)  So we bought the insurance plan and tried to not get pregnant for a while.  This was a hard time, because I guess I was too vocal to my friends about my desire to have a honeymoon baby, and suddenly everyone wanted to know if I was pregnant yet.  Around this time, my cousin recommended a book to me that I would now recommend to any married woman.  It's called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.  It helps you chart your cycle so that you can determine when you are fertile.  (It's much more exact than the "rhythm" method.)  You can use this information to get pregnant, or not, depending on your goals.  So I started charting.  We tried again in December, and by then I was pretty sure about my timing.  But on January 1st, right before my period was due, I started having those familiar cramps.  A day or two later, I had an interview with President Komm, a member of the Temple Presidency at the Vancouver Temple.  I had been wanting to start volunteering at the temple.  I can't work in Canada, because my status is still just a "visitor" and I wanted to use my free time wisely.  He asked if I could give a two year commitment, and I told him that I wanted to, but that I was trying to get pregnant.  He assured me that that was a more important goal, and I could work at the temple without the two year promise.  Then he gave me a blessing to set me apart as a temple worker.  Almost his whole blessing was about how I would be a mother a Zion.  (Note: He jokingly now takes partial credit for my fertility.)  A few days later, I realized that my period still hadn't started, and my cramps weren't consistent.  They just came and went, which is unusual for me.  I looked it up online, and found that some pregnant women have cramps around the time that their fertilized egg is implanting.  So a few days later, when my period still hadn't started, I took a pregnancy test...

The pregnancy so far has definitely had some high points and some low points.  I'm almost five months along now.  I love feeling this little baby move inside of me.  Jason felt it for the first time this week which was a really neat experience.  My doctor has a little in office ultrasound machine, and I know I'm biased, but I've looked at lots of pictures of fetuses, and ours is definitely the cutest.

The major low point was the poorly named "morning" sickness.  Oh my goodness... my respect for the sacrifice of motherhood has increased by leaps and bounds.  My first trimester was TERRIBLE!  I was nauseous all day long.  Everything smelled terrible and made me feel awful. It was the worst at night.  I would either throw up multiple times, or I would cry because my stomach hurt so bad and I couldn't throw up.  I went to bed earlier and earlier in efforts to avoid the misery.  It really started to effect my attitude.  It's just hard to be happy when you've been sick for six straight weeks.  I'm feeling 100 times better now.  (Thank goodness.)  I'm still a much pickier eater than I've ever been before, and there's smells that I just can't handle.  But the improvements have been vast.  And now I'm FINALLY starting to show- hurray!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yummy Crepes

Whoever came up with Saturday morning breakfast is a genius. 

Today, I used my favorite crepe recipe- courtesy of my good friend Lydia. Hopefully, she won't mind me sharing.

In a blender:

2 ¼ cups flour
1 ½ Tbs sugar
¾ tsp baking powder
3 cups milk
3 eggs
¾ tsp salt
¾ tsp vanilla
3 Tbs melted butter

Tentatively whip until blended, then blend 1 min., cook and serve.

They come out just like you would find at a European creperie.  For toppings, I cut up some strawberries, used the leftover Mock Devonshire Cream from the YW Tea Party, and spread on some Hazelnut/Vanilla spread.  (A Nutella-like brand my hubby found called Duo Penotti.)  It was dessert for breakfast at our house!
Picture Courtesy of
When we were full, I used the Pinterest trick of putting the leftover batter in a cleaned out ketchup container.  It's in the freezer and ready for the next time we want a treat. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Young Women Mother Daughter Tea Party

My very first post on my very first blog.

I've actually been thinking about making this blog for a long time, but it wasn't until about 2am last night that I decided that it was time to get started.  Mostly because I wanted to write about the activity that we had last night.  Perhaps it could be of help to someone planning something similar.  (Dare I dream of getting my blog put on Pinterest?)  Even if that never happens, it's certainly an event I want to remember for myself. 

I was put in charge of putting together a nice mid week activity for all of the Young Women and their mothers to celebrate mother's day.  I decided (quite ambitiously) to put together a tea party.  This was especially intimidating because I come from the scorching land of Arizona, where the idea of drinking a hot beverage is generally not preferable.  The Cactus State is just about as far from the influence of the British Empire and their etiquette as you can get.  I had my first "afternoon tea" on my honeymoon last August, and loved it.  However, I am quite inexperienced in this tradition compared to all of the British Columbians in my ward.  There has been much fretting and stressing at my house over the past few weeks.  (Just ask my sweet husband.)  I will pretend that none of that happened, though, and instead, I will tell you how it all turned out, as if I just breezed through it all...

I found this link to make a teapot card:

This is my living room floor after spending two hours trying to create my first prototype:

And here's what I came up with.  (I'm obviously not a naturally crafty person.)  I got better with practice.  I took the prototype with me to a Beehive Class activity the week before the big event and had the Beehives help me make the invitations for all of the Mothers.  That's actually part of my success story.  That activity was so much fun!  I had a blast chatting with the girls, and they brought some fun scrapbook items and  so many great ideas to make the invitations even cuter.  The final invitations were adorable... but you'll just have to imagine them because they were already sent out.  At the same activity, the Beehives also helped me work on....

The Take Home Gift
I wanted the Mothers to get some sort of small gift when they left the tea party.  So we did that flower pen thing where you use green tape to attach a fake flower at the end of a pen.  We also scrapbooked the cover of a small composition book.  Here's what each Mother got to take home:

Decorations and Dishes
Being a young married, I haven't had time to collect a lot of "hosting" items (particularly teapots and teacups.)  So I had to do a lot of begging and borrowing to make this event happen.  Tables, chairs, flatware, and many random dishes were provided by the church.  I borrowed white tablecloths from the Relief Society and pretty teal overlays from the YW First Counselor who had them left over from a child's wedding.  I also was blessed to get linked up with a lady in the ward who is a fabulous hostess.   She let me come over to her house and borrow some of her decorations, dainty plates, teacups, and tiered serving trays.  I still didn't have quite enough "tea items," however.  I tried a few garage sales and thrift shops and found some good deals, but still not enough.  I finally sent a sign up sheet to Relief Society and we got what we needed.  Yeah for all of the awesome women in my ward!  After filling the tables with all of our tea stuff, there wasn't much room for decorations.  Our YW Secretary brought a small beautiful flower arrangement for each table and we decorated the side tables with tablecloths, flowers and vines.  The room looked great, and I forgot my camera!   Luckily, our Secretary had a good camera phone.  Thanks Yoshie!

Food and Beverages
I delegated out a lot of the food.  The Beehives brought Cucumber and Ham Sandwiches.  The Advisers brought a variety of cookies, cupcakes, bars, and treats.  My contribution was scones, mock devonshire cream, strawberry jelly, and the drinks.

Here's a video I found helpful in making my first scones
I didn't put in the currants, and I used buttermilk instead of real milk.  They turned out yummy, but not quite as pretty as his.  I had to triple the recipe to make enough scones for everyone, and they were still all gone pretty quickly.

 I found a recipe for mock devonshire cream (a fun and impossible to find traditional topping for scones) in a cute book by Stephanie Dunnewind called "Come to Tea."  Lots of other cute ideas in there, as well.  Here's the recipe:
1 cup Cool Whip
1/2 cup Sour Cream
2 Tablespoons confectioner's sugar.
Directions: Mix it all together.

That's it!  So Easy!  I'm not sure if it actually tasted like real Devonshire Cream, but it sure tasted good.

From the same book, I got a recipe for "Grandma's Sweet Tea" which I modified liberally to make Word of Wisdom Friendly:       
2 Cups powdered orange drink
1 small packet of powdered sweet lemonade
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves.
Mix all ingredients.  Spoon one tablespoon into a teacup and pour in hot water.

This was a good option for people, like me, who enjoy the IDEA of tea, but think real tea just tastes like watered down leaves.  It was a warm orange-y cinnamon-y drink that many people enjoyed.

Important: I also had herbal tea bags and sugar on the table for anyone that wanted to go traditional.  Many wanted this option.  We served water and pink lemonade as well.  No one walked away dehydrated.

We had three games at our party: 

Picture Matching This one was pretty simple to set up.  We asked all of the mothers and daughters to bring baby pictures of themselves.  Then we hung them up around the room next to numbers and had them fill out a piece of paper with their guesses.  The winners won "Smarties" for being so smart.

What's in your Purse Another easy one.  I went to this website to find the game sheet:
Since most of the girls didn't bring purses they were on a "team" with their mothers to find out who had the most items in their purse.  At the end of the game, the winners got a Mr. Big bar for having such big purses.

Mother-Daughter Newlywed Game I didn't leave nearly enough time for this game.  It was greatly enjoyed.  Split up the daughters and mothers and have them questions about each other.  Then bring them back together and have a host ask the questions to "their other half" to see if they match.  Here are some of the questions we almost had time to use.  (Note: I stole these from many sources.  Feel free to steal from me.)

Questions for Daughters to answer about their Mothers
           What will your mother say was the last excuse you gave to get out of a chore?
·         What will your mother say is the last game she beat you at?
·         Which of the following will your mother say you spend the most time doing: watching television, talking on the phone, or reading?
·         What will your mother say is the thing she’d most like to change about your bedroom?
·         Will your mother say you were born in the morning, afternoon, or in the evening?
·         What will your mother say is her favourite restaurant
·         What would your mother say is her dream vacation?
·         What kinds of grades will your mother say that she got when she was in school? 
What will your mother say is her favourite TV show?
·         When and where did your parents first meet?
·         Will your Mom say that she is a morning person or a night person?
·         What will your mother say is her best feature?
·         How old was your Mother when she had her first kiss?

Questions for Mothers to answer about their Daughters
      What will your daughter say is the silliest thing she is scared to death of?
When your daughter eats an ice cream cone, will she say she does most of her licking: from the top down, from the bottom up, or from side to side?
·         What will your daughter say is the one thing that’s guaranteed to put her in a really good mood?
·         What will your daughter say is her favorite thing to procrastinate about? Be specific.
·         What will your daughter say is the best meal that you cook for dinner?
·         How many children will your daughter say that she wants to have when she grows up?
·         What will your daughter say is the best gift that you ever gave her?
·         What will your daughter say is the last thing she does before she heads out the door to go to school?
·         What will your daughter say is her least favourite food?
·         Who will your daughter say is her favourite singer?
·         What will your daughter say is her best feature?
·         Will your daughter say that she and her friends talk about boys 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the time?

 All in all, the event seemed to be enjoyed by everyone who attended.  It was a successful "creation."